Thursday, March 19, 2015

She always loved to dance

She always loved to dance.  Amy would drag me out to the Community Center every Friday and Saturday night. Me complainin' and her knowin' it was all fer show. I loved dancin' as much as she did, least I did when she partnered me. Two-step, boot scoot, black Cadillac line dancin', the style never mattered much to her, not even the words, just the base line.  That deep thumpin' rhythm, anything that got her feet tappin' or her hips swayin' was all the encouragement Amy needed to get out on that floor, pullin' me by the hand. 

I never was really sure who was doing the leadin' and who the followin' - both on the floor and off.  A real firecracker, my Amy, always teachin' me as much as I was teachin' her. Never mattered no how, long as I kept a steady quick, quick, slow  goin' she would spin and twirl to her heart's content. Me smilin' like a dang idjit at how happy she was, tryin' to make sure she didn't bump nobody or stumble and get hurt.

I'm dancin' with her again, a waltz this time. My little girl's all grown up now.  I walked her down the aisle today and gave her to another man. It'll be his job now to see she's happy, and to lead her through life's next dance.

I hope you enjoyed this,


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